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    Risk analysis

    Risk review and assessment
    Our service, depending on the agreed scope, usually includes an engineering survey of locations and the creation of appropriate reports. The purpose of the reports prepared in this way is twofold and can be explained as follows:

    The UWR (underwriting report) is the basis for creating an insurance offer, and prepared based on our standard is a document acceptable on all insurance markets, which avoids the need for insurers to visit your locations themselves. Additionally, by visiting the location, we are able to detect the immediate exposure to insurable risks, compare the exposure with the current coverage, and lay the foundation for an adequate and high-quality preparation of the insurance program. The risk report is intended for both the client and insurance market participants when transferring risks to insurers.
    The RECR (recommendation report) provides basic recommendations in a very simple and comprehensible manner in terms of prevention and reduction of the possibility of occurrence of a harmful event, and it was prepared specifically for the inspected location. A report prepared in this way can serve as a basis for short-term and long-term activities aimed at reducing exposure to certain risks. The implementation of recommendations is the client's decision depending on financial and organizational possibilities. The recommendation report is intended exclusively for the client.


    • We assess your strategic, operational, and contractual risks along with other risk exposures based on risk management processes and standards.
    • Conducting a comparative risk analysis of options available.
    • Engaging the Underwriting team in securing the best renewal scheme for your current insurance.
    • We combine traditional risks approach with new emerging ones globally and locally
    • Our commitment to risk specialties keeps us informed and updated on the international landscape, current trends, and regulatory norms.